One of the projects that a volunteer is working on is collecting stories from the people in the old age home in Patiala. What has their life been like? Do they have children? If so, why are they living here instead of with the children? So they come outside, and sit to talk about their lives with us. I couldn't speak a word, and our translator (Mrs BP) was busy translating for I just smiled and nodded...and hoped they didn't mind my intrusion on their quiet world. One woman brought out a photo of one of her sons...she has 3 sons and 3 daughters. none of them will take her into their home. I had made an assumption that in India, family sticks together, and several generations reside under the same roof. I have been realizing that although that is the tendency, it's clearly not always the case. Many of the residents here never even get visited by their children and grandchildren. It's very sad.
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