Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Hill Garden

There's not much that makes me happier than flowers.  Especially when it's my own garden that I've been wanting for a really LONG time.  I've moved 8 times in 5 years (long story) and am now finally back in my own house.  There's a hillside that never did well with grass, and it was always just enough of a hill to make mowing a challenge.  So this year I ripped the grass out and threw wildflower seeds all over it.  I may have over seeded, but so far they're doing great.  I take photos every week or so (because I need a document trail, right?) and I water them daily even though I just found out I'm not supposed to do that (watering ban).
Removing the sod.  This was actually great fun.  With each clump I had anywhere from 1 to 5 grubs.  I quickly realized that the chickens would find the grubs faster than I could, so they were invited to join the party.  For several days, they turned the soil with me.  The neighbors were highly amused, and the neighbors kids even joined in to help find grubs for the chickens!

Seeded and just beginning to sprout.

Not bad, they're coming up nicely.

As of today this is what it looks like, with a few flowers and many more buds in the making.  I can't wait to see it in like 2 or 3 weeks!
The close up series...just sprouting.

Maybe a week later?

They're starting to look like plants now.

The cosmos are gaining ground fast.

Today.  Marigold, Zinnia, and Cosmos are starting to bloom.

I have no idea what they are but there's lots of white flowers.

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