Interested in volunteering in India?
Animal Aid is looking for volunteers. I'd be happy to talk to anyone about my experiences in India, and specifically with Animal Aid. If you love animals, and are interested in volunteering, it may be a good fit for you!
Over the last 3 years, I have been to India 5 times. I've worked with Animal Aid, a USA based NGO in Udaipur...and also for Volunteer In India, an organization that is based out of Delhi.
This blog will show many images from both of these organizations, plus my personal photos from other trips on occasion. (I have volunteered in Nicaragua twice for Manna Project International, as well as a personal trip to Central America.)
Although I am currently self employed as a photographer, I worked as a veterinary technician for 13 years in Massachusetts. I try to use my varied talents whenever possible, and I enjoy combining travel with work/volunteering.