Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nicaragua: January 12 Bradley House

My day was split between La Chureca (see previous post) and Bradley House. Not quite as many photos taken today, I wasn't feeling well, but still, many images that I am proud of. I cannot WAIT to get home so that I can see these photos larger. My laptop has worked out very well, but the screen is not so big for vertical images- and I have noticed that I shoot many more verticals than I do horizontals. Interesting. Anyway, a few photos from the afternoon...the photo above, by the way, is a mom who walked 10 miles to bring her child there for an evaluation. 10 miles! And then 10 miles home! And all she asked for were some bandaids for her blisters. This appointment took her all day to accomplish.
Most of the moms come in with several children, I think. Even if only one needs therapy or an evaluation, there are several others prancing around having a great time with each other. Clearly, parenting is approached differently here. The kids are much freer to wander where they want, play as they want. It's not that they aren't attended to or cared for, that's not it at all. Small children toddle around, without direct supervision, and it all seems to work out just fine. Of course, I have always thought that most parents are a bit TOO supervisory with their children, but as I am not a parent myself I do try to keep these complaints to a minimum.

I can't wait to see this photo bigger. I love the little hand reaching out and holding her moms hand.

They have horse therapy at Bradley House, too.

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