The bus windows stuck quite a bit, it was SO hot, and we all struggled to get them open while we sat in the bus station. Then when it got going, it was so fast we were all getting whipped by the wind and had to close them again! A different kind of driving down here. At times, I had to grab a hold of the seat in front of me to keep from sliding into the lady next to me. It was that fast, and around corners, too!
The kids cute.
One of our cabins at the Trek Stop in San Ignacio. A low key, environmental kind of place. They have separate cabins with a fan, rainwater collected showers, and composting toilets. The other girls are a bit leery of the toilets and showers. Heck, after India nothing surprises me much. I am ok with it! Update/Add in: they have a resident tarantula here, as part of their display. (They have children's educational groups in to learn about the ecosystem, animals, birds, etc. They even have a butterfly breeding program and butterfly house to see on the grounds) Although we are clearly not im danger from the caged tarantula, we were told that they release the spider each month and catch a new one. Seeing as the wee thing is caged up like a gerbil, I can understand why a month is long enough. What interests me is how easy is it to find new inventory? Hmmmmmm? Because it sounds like they simply go outside and select a new one pretty easily. Oh, and last night was full of all sorts of interesting jungle sounds. Bellows, yips, howls, and plenty of bird sounds. I couldn't have possibly identified all the sounds. I am grateful I brought earplugs, otherwise I would never have slept at all.
The showers (closer to me and on the left) and the toilets farther back. I have discovered that the water pressure, despite coming from a large tank above my head, is really not much. Seriously. It took me about 4 times as long as usual to even WET my hair, and then I was secong-guessing if I should even bother with shampoo because to rinse it all out.....oh, man. It took forever. Mabe it was just that shower head, perhaps it's a little blocked? I'll try another one later today to see.
As we made out way back into San Ignacio from the Trek Stop (6 miles outside of town) we got stopped, along with everyone else. They were randomly searching cars for drugs. Tomorrow we have a free day to do what we want with. however, our guide brought us to a tour office and they told us about some things that they can bring us to in the area tomorrow as a day trip. because the trips were expensive ($75) I am opting to simply walk around town and then get a taxi to some nearby Mayan ruins. I figure if the trips were something that I absolutely had to go on, I'd pay the money. But they are : Caving (don't love caves), River Tubing (eh, sounds ok but nothing too exciting), Mayan Ruins (we are already set to go to Tikal), and canoeing (again, eh). But most of the guys on the trip did sign up for things. Maybe they have lots of money, but I am trying to be conservative! The digital camera is working really well for blog posting, and it is indeed waterproof. And idiot proof, too, which I obviously need because I am screwing up the Holga pics already. Last night I put it on BULB for a few shots, and then all day today shot in full sun on bulb without even checking it first. This was what I did all thru India and I can't tell you how many rolls of film I ruined that way. Gorgeous shots...and all blurry and overexposed, too. Grrrr. Also, I am discovering that I have almost no interest in shooting BW film, I am shooting almost entirely in color. I only brought like 30 rolls of color film. Half of my suitcase is filled with BW!! Maybe I will ship all of that film home, I need to lighten my load.
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